It has been found that over 46 thousand witches were killed during this period. Every incident had a story. One such incident had occurred in. Northern India in a village named Kulbhata. During 18th century, this village, surrounded by a desert, was tormented by a witch named Kaalo. Kaalo wanted to sacrifice nubile girls to satisfy her greed for immortality.
One day she was stoned to death and buried by angry villagers, but her fear lived on in and around Kulbhata. Years later some villagers spoke of Kaalo's sightings yet again. Kulbhata was vacated overnight by scared villagers. All roads leading to Kulbhata were sealed by horrifying tales of Kaalo killing anyone who dared to enter Kulbhata. It is said, Kaalo still roams in Kulbhata, in a more ferocious form than before. And it is believed that since that incident no one has gone to Kulbhata. 250 years have since passed, but still Kaalo is present and hungry for more lives. Anybody who dares to pass through the village is killed.